部分科研項目🙆🏽♀️: ・ 科技部“工業軟件”重點專項-面向中小企業的長三角特色產業研發創新與協同製造集成服務平臺💦,在研🤩,課題四子課題負責人(縱向) ・ 科技部“工業軟件”重點專項-高端風電裝備設計製造與運維全過程協同平臺研發及應用示範🧣,在研🤞🏼,參與(縱向) ・ 國家自然科學基金-元知識驅動的多模態聯邦自監督學習算法研究,在研🤶🏼,參與(縱向) ・ 上海市科委-面向智能製造的縱向聯邦學習隱私保護機製與應用,在研,參與(縱向) ・ 信息抽取與語義分析模型研究🙄,在研,主持(橫向) ・ 計算機視覺動態目標識別研究🌉,在研📄,主持(橫向) 部分論文與專利: 1. Mingxuan Chen, Shiqi Li, Xujun Wei, and Jiacheng Song. "MMIFR: Multi-modal industry focused data repository." Pattern Recognition Letters 186 (2024): 306-313. 2. Liming Hu*, Mingxuan Chen*, Anjie Wang, and Zhijun Fang. "Dual-stream multi-label image classification model enhanced by feature reconstruction." Multimedia Systems 30, no. 5 (2024): 281. 3. Mingxuan Chen, Xinqiao Chu, and K. P. Subbalakshmi. "MMCoVaR: multimodal COVID-19 vaccine focused data repository for fake news detection and a baseline architecture for classification." In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks analysis and mining, pp. 31-38. 2021. 4. Long-Long Hu, Ming-Xuan Chen, Meng-Meng Wang, and Nan-Run Zhou. "A multi-image encryption scheme based on block compressive sensing and nonlinear bifurcation diffusion." Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 188 (2024): 115521. 5. Jun-Zhuo Zou, Ming-Xuan Chen, and Li-Hua Gong. "Invisible and robust watermarking model based on hierarchical residual fusion multi-scale convolution." Neurocomputing 614 (2025): 128834. 6. 陳明軒。基於深度學習的鋼結構板材故障檢測方法及系統。CN116773544B(發明專利授權) 7. 陳明軒🏊🏿♂️、葉逸航。一種基於圖像融合的行人檢測方法、設備和介質🚘。CN117690161B (發明專利授權) |