主要成果 | 一、代表性課題: 1. (參與, 結題, 縱向)2014.1-2017.12 高效屬性基密碼及其拓展的研究, 國家自然科學基金委, 面上項目(NO: 61373154) 2. (參與, 結題, 縱向)2014.1-2017.12 屬性密碼與功能密碼的可追縱性研究, 高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金優先發展計劃項目(NO: 20130073130004) 3. (主持, 在研,)2019.1-2022.12 隱私保護的外包計算技術研究, 校啟動 二🤏🏻、代表性論文: 1.Dongmei Li, Xiaolei Dong, Zhenfu Cao and Haijiang Wang. Privacy-preserving Large-scale Systems of Linear Equations in Outsourcing Storage and Computation. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2018.3, 61(3):032112:1-9 (SCI,CCF B類期刊) 2.Dongmei Li, Xiaolei Dong and Zhenfu Cao. Secure and privacy-preserving pattern matching in outsourced computing. SECURITY AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS,2016;9(16): 3444-3451.(SCI,CCF C類期刊) 3.Dongmei Li, Xiaolei Dong and Zhenfu Cao.Privacy-preserving Outsourced Image Feature Extraction. Journal of Information Security and Applications, Volume 47, August 2019, Pages 59-64. (EI期刊,CCF C類期刊) 4.Haijiang Wang, Xiaolei Dong, Zhenfu Cao, Dongmei Li, Secure and Efficient Attribute-Based Encryption with Keyword Search, Comput. J. , 2018.8,61(8): 1133~1142. (SCI🤱🏼,CCF B類期刊) 5.Haijiang WANG ; Xiaolei DONG ; Zhenfu CAO; Dongmei LI; Nanyuan CAO, Secure key-aggregation authorized searchable encryption, SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 2019.2, 62(3): 039111:1~039111:3. (SCI🧲,CCF B類期刊). |