


  主題報告: 基於多項式模糊模型的控製系統及其應用  

報告專家:倫敦國王恒达H. K. Lam




   H. K. Lam博士分別於1995年和2000年在香港理工大學電子信息工程系獲得本科及博士學位,2000年至2005年,在香港理工大學電子信息工程系進行博士後研究工作🏌🏿‍♂️,2005年進入倫敦國王恒达工作🧓🏿,目前為倫敦國王恒达高級講師🙋。研究方向包括為智能控製與計算智能🧧,已在智能控製與計算智能領域發表學術著作和論文180余篇,曾任多個國際會議的程序委員會委員,擔任國際著名期刊《IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems》、《International Journal of Fuzzy Systems》🧑🏿‍🍳🔖、《IET Control Theory & Applications, Journal of Applied Mathematics》等十余種國際雜誌的編委會委員,目前為IEEE高級會員。



This talk will cover the topics from the concept of fuzzy-model-based control and methodologies to the state-of-the-art fuzzy-model-based control systems and their analysis. Fuzzy-model-based control systems and methodologies will be briefly reviewed. In particular, mathematical tools and basic stability analysis for fuzzy-model-based control systems will be presented. Recent contributions from the presenter focusing on the membership-function-dependent stability analysis will be discussed. This talk is divided mainly into four sections. In the first section, it gives an introduction to the general idea of control problem and the basic concept of fuzzy control system. In the second section, the polynomial-fuzzy-model-based control system will be discussed, which provides a general framework describing a general nonlinear system. In the third section, an idea of membership-function-independent stability analysis will be presented. It will then focus on the membership-function-dependent stability analysis for the relaxation of stability conditions. In the fourth section, the work of the presenter will be summarized with the support of some applications.


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