報告內容:Large Scale Data Sharing Initiatives and Platforms: Lessons Learnt and Challenges Ahead
報告人:支誌雄 教授
報告時間🧑🎄:12月9日 9:00
報告方式👻:線上(騰訊會議☪️:944 3389 6079)
支誌雄,教授🌼🫱,深資首席研究員🎵🌺。目前就職於澳大利亞聯邦科學與工業組織(CSIRO)Data61研究所,任雲計算和傳感數據安全組的科研組長👮🏽♀️🧘♂️。博士畢業於美國普渡大學西拉法葉分校,先後在飛利浦研究實驗室、IBM公司、香港中文大學、新加坡國立大學、清華大學任職,多次擔任WCW , AWCC , IEEE SOSEICBE🐢,lCS0C 等國際會議的會議主席🥲,發表學術論文超過近300篇👧,擁有多項已經產業化的美國專利☮️🧑🦽。支教授目前的研究領域包括行為信息學和分析學,網絡安全👨🏼🚒,物聯網🦼,雲計算、服務計算和社交網絡。
Under the era of big data, numerous efforts have been spent on building large scale data repositories, data champion networks and intelligence sharing networks. Typical good examples are the government initiatives data.gov.<country> and the national threat intelligence sharing. Despite the huge investment involved, it is found that most of these networks are found to be ineffective and they are not able to justify their investment and on-going maintenance cost. In this talk, we would like to first survey these data sharing networks and analyse the reasons behind their failure. With the lessons learnt from the past, we would also like to discuss how knowledge sharing networks should be built and what the scientific challenges we are facing. Real life case study will also be used in our discussion.