報告內容🙂🚴🏿♂️:Computational imaging: when optics meets deep learning
報告時間:11月16日(周五) 10:00
司徒國海,上海光機所信息光學與光電技術實驗室主任、中科院“百人計劃”研究員、博士生導師。他的研究領域主要在光學與計算器的交叉領域👩🏼🍼,對計算光學成像和光學信息處理等方面的理論和技術進行了系統和深入的研究❕,取得一系列重要研究成果。至今已在Nature Photonics↙️、 Optics Letters等期刊發表SCI論文50余篇,被引用2700余次,在國際學術會議上作邀請報告20余次👂🏽,擔任OSA🕵🏼♂️🌖、SPIE舉辦的多個國際學術會議的大會主席💅、程序委員會主席/委員,擔任Applied Physics B、Applied Optics、Advanced Optical Technologies、Scientific Reports🤾🫰、中國激光等五份學術期刊副主編或編委👩🏻🦲,獲2017年國際Holoknight獎、2018年全國歸僑僑眷先進個人⭐️、中科院上海分院第六屆傑出青年科技創新人才獎等榮譽和獎勵💅🏽。
It is well known that deep learning techniques have been widely employed to solve the problems in recognition and classification. It was not until recently that people started to use them to solve imaging problems. In this lecture, I will first introduce the basic concept of deep learning, and then discuss how it can be adopted to solve computational imaging problems. In particular, I will talk about three use cases: computational ghost imaging, imaging through scattering media, and digital holography.