恒达 | 姓名 | 宣讀論文名稱 | 論文類別 | 國際會議名稱 | 主辦單位 | 會議日期 | 會議地點 |
張祥祥 | Large Scale Face Data Purification based on Correlation Function and Multi-Phase Grouping | B2類-EI會議論文 | 2017 International Conference on Electronic Information Technology and Computer Engineering (EITCE 2017) | 恒达娱乐 | 20170923-20170924 | 北京師範大學珠海分校國際交流中心(珠海京華苑大酒店)三樓第五會議室 | |
電氣 | 許明 | Research on Unstructured Road Detection Algorithm Based on Improved Morphological Operations | B2類-EI會議論文 | ICSSC 2017:International Conference on Smart Sustainable City and Big Data | Shanghai University | 20170605 | Shanghai,China |
電氣 | 王翔 | Unstructured road detection based on contour selection | B2類-EI會議論文 | ICSSC 2017 : International Conference on Smart Sustainable City and Big Data | Shanghai University | 20170605 | Shanghai, China |
電氣 | 李明東 | License Plate Character Recognition Method Based on Combination Feature and BP Network | B2類-EI會議論文 | The 4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City | 上海大學 | 20170605 | 上海大寧福朋喜來登酒店 |
電氣 | 劉小雙 | Driver Fatigue Detection Using Multitask Cascaded Convolutional Networks | B2類-EI會議論文 | The Second International Conference on Intelligence Science (ICIS2017) | 上海海事大學 | 20171025-1028 | 上海 |